On the 29th October 2013 the Blues Festival was held at the Royal Albert Hall with acts including The Voice's very own Nate James. The building housed various generations all attending to share their love of the blues bringing with them a atmosphere that made everyone feel like one. There was singing along and dancing including an old couple who got up and ball danced around the room during one of the songs. Talk about putting a smile on everybody's faces. Possibly one of the cutest things I have ever witnessed.
The first performance in the section of the building I attended was Nate James, his act contained original songs from his new album ,out in may, including 'cosmic ranger' as well as songs from his single, which is out in march, and other singers. The performance was very relaxed and had some forms of 'banter' going on between Nate and the audience. After his set he went around the room talking to everyone and having a drink with friends and visitors. Nate is such a nice guy and defiantly my favourite act of the day. As soon as his album comes out I know I will be getting it.
Another act that stood out to me for a totally different reason was Smooth & Turrell. This band can only be summed up in one word and that word is insane, for when they performed the energy level was over the bar especially from the keyboard played who was not only head banging to the music but playing whilst standing on the seat and with his feet!!! To think, some people say the blues is boring! Another thing I noticed from their performance was the crowd, normally at gigs, festivals and concerts its the teenagers who are up dancing around and head banging and going mad but no not at this festival for it was every teenagers nightmare, nearly every parent and adult in the room was up dancing and singing along at the top of their voices whilst all the kids sat their with faces like tomatoes. Personally this band was just there for the entertainment of the keyboard player, their music wasn't that good and caused havoc to my camera when trying to record. You couldn't even hear the singer!
Overall though it was an amazing day and I managed to get some good footage of Nate James' performance for you guys to check out. He is such an amazing singer and deserves recognition so without further adieu here is the footage from these his set:
By Rachel McDowell
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